Heat pump technology at the forefront of Europe’s engine energy transition

Views : 478
Update time : 2022-09-16 17:35:16
Boilers that burn petrifaction fuels may become obsolete in the near future. To begin, the Commission proposed a ban on the sale of new petrifaction fuel heating appliances by the year 2029 as part of the REPowerEU program. Furthermore, the year 2035 is marked as the end of the road for petrifaction fuel heating in the proposed Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD). If verified, the European Union (EU) may soon be able to overcome one of the biggest obstacles to achieving the targets set out in the Paris Agreement. 
Opportunities in the electrification of the heating market are highlighted by the current state of petrifaction fuel prices. Heat pumps that run on electricity at peak efficiency have a positive impact on the environment, and using electricity generated at home cuts down on petrifaction fuel imports and makes consumers more financially secure by making them less susceptible to market swings. 
Heat-pump technology is the leading heating and cooling option in a fully decarbonized Europe, serving as a key enabler for a renewable, sustainable, and intelligent energy system. They connect the electric and thermal sectors at the regional and local levels by integrating diverse energy sources. Heat pumps are easy to install and widely employed in a variety of thermal applications, including construction, transportation, and household appliances. 
For instance, the German government is dedicated to using the energy transition to improve electricity and heating system efficiency, modernization, innovation, and digitalization. Heating systems in German homes are being upgraded more and more often to employ heat pumps. The government reports that heat pump sales in Germany increased by about a third in 2021, to around 155,000 units, increasing the total installed to more than 1 million. 
More recently in July of 2022, there was in Germany an all-time high in heat pump financing requests submitted to BAFA. Some might argue that this might be also attributable to recent adjustments in subsidy levels as subsidy rates in Germany were cut by an average of 10 percentage points as of August 15, according to an announcement made by BAFA at the end of July. As a consequence, the total number of applications increased to 44,107, a boost of around 93% over the previous month. There were 66,676 financing requests for heat pumps under the BEG individual measures in all of 2021. 141,873 applications were received between January and July of 2022, an increase of nearly 110% from the same time in 2021. 
Tongyi is moving in line with this trend assisting German and other European users to access a wider variety of high-quality and efficient heat pump products which are BAFA eligible. From September on, Tongyi heat pump products (THAMV9 A, TAHMV12S A, TAHMV18 A) have been included in the Liste der förderfähigen Wärmepumpen mit Pruf-/Effizienznachweis which means that German consumers could choose Tongyi heat pumps directly in their online application form. 
Tongyi as one of the earliest and most professional heat pump manufacturers in China is always committed to providing comprehensive energy-saving solutions based on highly efficient heat pump products.